I havent been to Catalina in .. I dont know how long; A high school trip many many years ago. So I though..why not, why not run a marathon on Catalina Island. I mean, its a beautiful place right? an old sailer port, small and unique stores and bars; it should be a great place to bring my wife....I'll run and she can enjoy the town. Perfect.
We left on Friday after securing a hotel room and Catalina Express tickets (very expensive) and arrived on the island around 6:00pm which gave us plenty of time to check the night life out after picking up my race number and packets. Catalina, the town of golf carts and cars that look like they come from the land of little people. The smaller the better! We walked from the hotel and enjoyed the ocean breeze and the quiet, it almost feels like your back in time, its very relaxing and almost welcoming. After a big spaghetti dinner we headed back to the hotel where I prepared for the marathon the next day.
Eco-Catalina; its the third running of this marathon and one of a few races held here. The marathon like the town is pretty relaxed; I found the start line and waited for everyone to show up for the race.....I only got there 15 minutes prior to start - no one was there. HA HA.
Some runners where still going to show up by boat that morning and the race had coordinated this with the captains of the shuttles to make sure that they can make race start. Once the boat came in and the runners had a chance to get their numbers...we were ready to go!
After running though the finish line I knew I had run a tough race, but I was satisfied with the way I felt and ran....great marathon!, I showered quickly and we got some lunch and had plenty of time to walk through the town and enjoy the rest of the day before the boat headed out to bring us back to Dana Point.
I had prepared well but there still is much room for improvement so Im challenging myself to run it again, its a great run, a great place and to bring my wife made it even better!
Wow! Catalina is such a beautiful place! so much to see and do!