Up at 4:30 in the morning, sleepy eyed I roll off the bed. Got a sheduled appt with some friends from the OC Trailrunners; early risers........hmm, so much nice sleep wasted! My intent is to get to the trail head early, run about 6 miles and meet them; then run about 11. The intent was there, just not me! I arrive at 5:55am, motivated, eyes gleaming, body ready to run..............ok......... tired, groggy and in need of coffee!! But I was there and they were there so there was not turning back.
They were bright and shiny on the otherhand, making in much easier to get into gear. Brooks Cascadias ready, gators on and off we go.....
I can feel the temp warming, much warmer that it should be at 6:00am but really not to bad. We run the ridge from the Ridge Park trail head along the spine and off toward Laguna. My stride is strong without any indications from my previous roving aches and injuries; all is well. My weak points are hill and my intent is to hit them hard today so I'm content with the relaxed pace, as we reach Laguna we decendto into the Valley from the Fire road......welcomed by a steeeep downhill which runs all the way to the highway.... at the road I take a drink, take a breath and turn around ... game face on, hill time. I pace myself and with fairly controlled breathing and stride I manage to run the length through soft sand and steep incline all the way to the top of the ridge......satisfied.
El Morro is beautiful in the morning, looking over Laguna and the hillsides......amazing! We run back along a singletrack and down to the lower valleys of the canyon, confronted a large tarantula; very cool, havent seen many lately......back up and back along another singletrack to the trailhead on top of the range of hills.......11.45 miles today and happy I woke up!!!
You know your an Ultra-Runner when....
13 years ago